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Salt, Salt and More Salt

May 03, 2022


Let's talk about salt - that seemingly simple yet incredibly vital component of our diet that's often misunderstood and unjustly demonized in today's society. Salt, an essential mineral, plays an indispensable role in our bodies. Yet, discussions around its importance have been overshadowed by outdated notions and misconceptions. 

Consider this: without salt, life wouldn't be sustainable. Animals like gorillas and elephants instinctively seek out salt deposits because their bodies recognize its vital role. But for us humans, the lack of attention to salt's significance is concerning, perpetuated by questionable scientific claims from decades past. 

Back in the 1950s, paid-for "science" glorified sugar as a low-calorie savior while undermining salt. Even today, the food industry promotes artificial sweeteners in products targeting those wary of sugar's negative effects. However, newer research NOT funded by the food industry and government grants contradicts these long-standing claims. 

Surprisingly, salt doesn't universally spike blood pressure; for most people, it remains steady or even decreases heart rate and insulin levels. This mineral also fosters adrenal hormone balance and supports kidney function. The scientific evidence paints a picture quite different from the assumptions surrounding salt's supposed risks. 

Controlling our bodies with whole foods involves understanding the importance of salt. It's a fundamental component of life, so the key isn't to cut back but to increase your intake. Unless diagnosed with specific kidney issues, excess salt is naturally eliminated through sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Your body has its mechanisms to regulate salt levels. 

Try incorporating Redmond's sea salt into your routine. Starting with small amounts in your water can gradually lead to increased intake. Beginning your day with salt-infused water might seem unconventional but has remarkable benefits, especially when enjoyed outside in the morning sun. 

Additionally, consider LMNT, an electrolyte product. Opting for the unflavored version offers vital minerals like sodium, magnesium, and phosphate. These electrolytes, especially sodium, play a crucial role in cellular water absorption. Contrary to the belief that clear urine equals hydration, sodium is the key player in effectively absorbing water. 

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