Raising 3 kids with Health as their future
Apr 12, 2022September 3rd 2018 we decided to feed our children (Now 2 daughters in the mix) and future children whole foods. This came after listening to several podcasts by Justin Nault, then Perfect paleo podcast and now Clovis culture. I found his podcast while searching paleo on Spotify. I had heard little bits about the “Paleo Diet” and knew that it had changed peoples lives. This specific podcast episode was about children's nutrition and what was fed to children from the hospital at birth all the way to High school. This specific time frame in a humans life is much harder for an individual child to eat anything other than “the norm”. After this specific episode, I then turned to his other podcasts and 2 months later had consumed one hundred hours of podcasts and read several of Justin's recommended books such as “the salt fix” and “The case against sugar”. After reading these two books, our world was upside down and my wife and I lost roughly 40lbs each and didn’t even realize we had to. Since this date, I have maintained 170lbs as a 37 year old 6’ tall male. I weigh myself randomly through the year and it still amazes me that my weight doesn’t fluctuate, at all! When eating non inflammatory, high protein moderate fat foods, our body hits a weight and certain body fat percentage that is “natural” or “instinctual”. I eat 2000-3000 calories per day and don’t fluctuate in weight at all because I eat animal-based proteins and 50-70 grams of carbs (if any at all). Books such as “Carnivore Code” by Paul Saladino MD, gave us the confidence to understand that animal-based proteins benefit humans in every evolutionary way possible. Animal based protein is the past, present and future, DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise, it is the simplest Biochemistry without “emotional science” involved.
Our then 5 and 3 year old’s went from eating the above mentioned processed foods to only what the adults ate, whole foods. These whole foods consist of Low inflammatory foods such as, all meats, unprocessed leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, seasonal fruit for our region and the biggest change, not worrying about certain types of meals for everyday satiety. We now eat steak for breakfast, eggs for “dinner”, in fact, we don’t even discuss, breakfast, lunch or dinner, we just eat meals. In short, we eat only when hungry (2-3 meals/day) and never struggle with snacking or odd eating times. All of our food is cooked without the use of seed oils and is prepared by all 5 of us on most days. The girls have roasted pigs, in turn eating them hours later. They have a full understanding of where their food comes from. We have not yet ventured into raising our own livestock (besides Chickens) due to a few local restrictions. Our brains full of knowledge and the health coaching full of changed lives, we are starting to focus attention to regenerative agriculture. We are deciding whether to financially invest or get hands on and uproot our current way of life (very tempting). The bottom line, kids are humans, humans are nature and once we forget this fact, we will not be able to recover. If you don’t feel a reason to help yourself but would do anything for your children, start with their health and see what happens to you and your family : )
Our health coaching focuses on family wellness, in all facets. We enjoy listening and reading our clients horror stories of health, the ups and downs of “dieting” over many years as well as the positive impacts Instinctual Health and whole foods have had on their lives, after all, it keeps us human! We now have 3 daughters, travel monthly, have numerous pets, a real estate career and help people through Instinctual Health. If we can handle it, you can too! Our custom programs help you remove undo stress, include everyday family hacks to stay productive and healthy. Don’t let everyday stressors keep you from being the healthy, happy human nature intended you to be. Get back to your roots, join us and help your family Live Instinctually!
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