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Mindful shopping, mindful living

childrens health environment get healthy health and wellness health coaching lose weight pediatric nutrition raising kids weight gain weight loss womens health Apr 12, 2022


Shopping for groceries should not be stressful nor a full day of planning. Feeling hungry while grocery shopping should not be the point where you find yourself buying junk or too much food. Although the concept is proven to be true, it is only true for the average shopper. The average shopper is addicted to food and lives moment by moment planning the next meal. That is ok for now, but should not be a way of life. Being a mindful shopper also means listening to your healthy body and instinctually being mindful. When metabolic dysfunction is at play, living instinctually can be very difficult. To start, labels are rarely read when eating Whole Foods. There are no ingredients in whole foods besides the food in hand. Start your mindfulness shopping by only purchasing foods that are single ingredient (Whole foods; sweet potato, ribeye, broccoli). This will allow you to shop for yourself or a family of 5 in the same amount of time. My wife Michelle and I spend approximately 15 Minutes shopping for our 3 children weekly. Ask why, how and for help if you want to learn more.

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