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How to detox your mind. Is it that simple?

Apr 12, 2022


Detoxing the mind can mean many things. Humans suffer from depression, anxiety, stress and every other emotion or ailment that plagues societies. I believe that detoxing your body will be the firs step in detoxing your mind. Without a healthy gut (microbiome) the rest will be a lifelong journey of set backs. Many have heard the term "leaky gut", this is not just the "new thing" it is truly a scientific breakthrough that will take many years or forever to understand. The simple point being, we know some of the things it effects and we know many ways to heal it. Using whole foods as medicine will assist in resolving leaky gut and start the detox of the mind. There is not enough yoga, meditation or mindfulness in the world to out run leaky gut (bad diet). Start with your diet, transform it into a lifestyle and from there a life of learning will bring true "happiness". (Shoutout to author Daniel Gilbert, "Stumbling Upon Happiness" after reading this, it is hard to say what true happiness is, but you get the drift)


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