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Health and Wellness influencers...and satiety

Apr 12, 2022


Researching and learning does not always come naturally to everyone. It may take a few months of following a health and wellness influencer such as Dr Mark Hyman (Doctors Farmacy Podcast). One day while listening to the podcast, something clicks and from then on you start reading, researching and trying to understand various points of view from the amalgam of information being thrown around on Social media or even in your own town. Dr Hyman is heavily plant based but includes animal products as well. This was counter to what you may hear from Dr Paul Saladino also known as CarnivoreMD (Fundamental Health Podcast). Dr Saladino is strictly Carnivore and recently started adding in a few carbs such as honey. His strong stance on a heavy meat and nose to tail diet is due to the argument for ancestral "Optimal Health". Dr Hyman seems to create more of a reachable goal for the average individual and not seem as controversial as Dr Saladino. Carnivore has proven to be a great "ground zero" diet to alleviate food allergies and completely shut down autoimmune diseases that plague society. Both of these great men explain why what they're doing is optimal, sustainable and they have the knowledge behind them to back it up. Both positions rely on animal products which in my opinion is the reason that both have the ability to change lives and the health of a nation. Animal products have the ability to alleviate the need for "willpower" with an interesting natural effect called Satiety. When the human body is not living in complete metabolic dysfunction, Satiety will play a roll in listening to your body and living instinctually. Now, it is time for you to research the last sentence, discover the wonder of satiety and let us know where it leads you : )

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