Health and Wellness Influencer overload
Apr 12, 2022Reading and learning different things is great for the human brain. But as humans, we can get bogged down with information very quickly. We are constantly listening or watching tv, social media, friends, family, reading and listening to books, listening to podcasts etc. This generally causes brain overload even if someone doesn’t realize it first. I first started noticing it in health and wellness after receiving many client questions on subjects that I too saw that week on social media from large health and wellness influencers. Someone such as Ken Berry MD, author of “lies my doctor told me” may post about magnesium deficiency for a week. Everyone reads about these deficiencies and hones in on a few of them such as muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat and general fatigue. Then, they also start seeing it from smaller influencers, since those influencers saw it from the bigger ones. They start to think Magnesium deficiency is their issue. They buy high quality magnesium, take it for a week and then the following week they see from another top influencer such as Rob Wolf, Author of “wired to eat” and an overall genius, that too much high intensity exercise leads to muscle weakness, and general fatigue. Both are true, but to someone who is bogged down with information, they forget that it could be from 1 million other things, but most of all, the need to cut out some inflammatory foods, such as dairy, night shades, grains etc. The information overload puts the inflammatory food removal on the back burner for yet again, another month. Both of these influencers mentioned are amazing in my eyes. They provide thoughtful, truthful, non-marketing information to the greatest audience possible. But everyone has to remember that the info they are trying to get out to the general public is “health optimization” not a weekly cure all. Since humans today have a very short attention span, many take each bit of information as the “cure all”. As a Health and Wellness coach, I recommend removing yourself from social media or snoozing most influencers for 30 days. This allows you to focus on what your coach has to say and focuses your energy on improving health before optimizing health. The health optimization easily confuses the newbie and health nut alike. Both of the influencers mentioned are leaders in health and wellness and in my opinion every single thing they say and do will help change the future, but the bottom line is, do not get bogged down with information!! Take is slow and keep it simple. Removing inflammatory foods from your diet will lead to great changes, with hopes that future “optimization” will allow you to be the healthiest you possible. Living instinctually and truly listening to your body starts with the removal of many foods, not the adding of supplements or finding out what the next “quick fix” could be. Create Instinctual Health for Life with Instinctual Health now!
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